Monday, July 1, 2024

Kherwal Bir: The Divine Warrior's Triumph (Extracted from the original work of Kherwal Bir written by Pt. Raghunath Murmu)


Once upon a time, in a land enveloped by dense forests and towering mountains; there existed a kingdom ruled by a benevolent and wise king named Manmi. The kingdom was a picturesque realm, where the lush greenery of the forest blended seamlessly with the majesty of the mountains. Wildlife thrived, and the kingdom's natural beauty was a testament to the harmony that existed under King Manmi's rule. He reign was characterized by justice, prosperity, and harmony. King Manmi was not only a ruler but a guardian of his people, ensuring that fairness and equity prevailed in every corner of his Kingdom. 

Manmi's subjects revered him, and the kingdom flourished under his humane governance. Farmers tilled their lands with confidence, knowing that their king would protect their rights and ensure they received a fair share of the harvest. The fields yielded bountiful harvests, providing ample food for everyone. Grain and vegetables grew in abundance, and orchards were heavy with fruit. The markets buzzed with activity, as traders and merchants exchanged goods, their faces reflecting the prosperity of the kingdom. The rivers ran clear and plentiful, their waters nurturing both the crops and the spirits of the people. Fishermen cast their nets into the pristine waters, bringing home catches that fed the kingdom. Villages and towns echoed with the sounds of laughter and song, as the people lived in peace and contentment, free from the worries that plagued neighboring lands. 

However, as time passed, the population grew, and with it came the inevitable challenges of poverty and want. The once ample resources began to dwindle, and the delicate balance that King Manmi had maintained started to falter. The strain on resources began to show, as fields that once overflowed with crops now struggled to meet the growing demand. Forests that had been teeming with game became less bountiful, and the clear rivers began to dry in places. 

Discontent started to brew among the people. The harmonious relationships that had defined the kingdom began to fray at the edges. Rumblings of dissatisfaction could be heard in the once joyful markets and village squares. People who had lived comfortably began to feel the pinch of scarcity, and whispers of unrest grew louder. Some blamed the changing times, while others questioned the king’s ability to manage the new challenges. Amidst this turmoil, the seeds of discord were sown, and the kingdom's golden era seemed to be coming to an end. 

The growing discontent threatened to unravel the fabric of the society that King Manmi had so carefully woven. Despite his best efforts, the king found it increasingly difficult to address the myriad issues arising from the population boom. The sense of unity that had defined his kingdom began to erode, and the specter of unrest loomed over the land. The peaceful coexistence that had been the hallmark of Manmi's reign was now at risk, as the kingdom stood at a crossroads, facing an uncertain future. 

Amidst this turmoil, a faction of the population succumbed to greed and malevolence. These individuals, who had once lived in harmony with their neighbors, began to feel that their desires and ambitions could not be met within the confines of a just and equitable society. They saw the growing scarcity not as a challenge to be met collectively but as an opportunity to seize power for themselves. These men and women, forsaking the path of righteousness, turned to the worship of dark witches and evil gods known as bongas. These bongas, ancient malevolent spirits, promised great power and wealth in exchange for human sacrifices and unyielding loyalty. 

The Danmis, as this sinister group came to be known, began to perform gruesome rituals in secret, seeking the favor of the bongas. They built hidden altars deep within the forests and dark caves where they conducted their macabre ceremonies. The air around these places grew thick with dark magic, and whispers of their evil deeds spread fear among the people. The Danmis sought power through these human sacrifices, believing that the blood and souls of their victims would grant them supernatural strength and the ability to control the elements. 

Driven by their insatiable hunger for power, the Danmis began to expand their influence. They infiltrated the highest levels of society, using deceit and treachery to turn friends into foes and neighbors into enemies. Their numbers grew as they seduced more individuals with promises of power and protection. Like a cancer, their malevolence spread through the kingdom, corrupting the hearts and minds of those who were once loyal to King Manmi. Fear and suspicion took root, replacing the trust and camaraderie that had defined the kingdom. 

As the Danmis' power grew, they became bolder in their actions. They launched a series of calculated attacks against the Manmi loyalists, using their dark powers to sow confusion and terror. The once vibrant and joyous kingdom was now overshadowed by fear and despair. Villages that had once been filled with laughter now echoed with cries of anguish. The fields that had once produced bountiful harvests lay barren, as farmers fled in terror or were captured by the Danmis. The rivers, once clear and life-giving, ran red with the blood of the innocents. 

The Danmis eventually overpowered the Manmi loyalists, capturing the kingdom and plunging it into darkness. King Manmi's palace, once a symbol of justice and prosperity, was overtaken by the Danmis and transformed into a fortress of terror. The royal guards, loyal to their king until the end, fought valiantly but were ultimately overwhelmed by the dark forces at play. The banners of the kingdom, which once flew high in pride and unity, were torn down and replaced with the ominous symbols of the Danmis' dark gods. 

The kingdom that had flourished under King Manmi's benevolent rule was now a land of shadows and despair. The once close-knit communities were shattered, and the people lived in constant fear of the Danmis' wrath. Night brought no respite, as the dark witches and evil gods prowled the land, demanding more sacrifices and spreading their malevolent influence. Hope seemed a distant memory, and the kingdom's golden era was now a tragic tale of lost glory and unrelenting darkness. The future seemed bleak, with the forces of evil holding the kingdom in an iron grip, suffocating any semblance of light and hope that dared to emerge. 

In the heart of an ancient forest, the Manmis, led by their valiant king, sought refuge from the ceaseless assaults of their adversaries, the Danmis. Yet, even amidst the dense foliage and rugged terrain, the shadow of danger loomed large. The Danmis, relentless in their pursuit, continued to hound the Manmis, capturing their finest warriors to offer as grim sacrifices to their malevolent gods, while enslaving those they could subdue. In the depths of this wilderness, where sunlight struggled to penetrate the thick canopy, King Manmi and his queen found solace in the birth of their son. Blessed by a visitation in the queen's dreams from Dharam Baba, a divine guardian manifested in the form of a majestic lion and lioness, the newborn was watched over with divine protection. They named him Kherwal, signifying the noble virtues he was destined to embody. 

As Kherwal grew, the forest became his classroom, and the spirits dwelling within its depths his mentors. From the tender age at which he first walked, he displayed a remarkable blend of strength and wisdom that belied his youth. Guided by the teachings of Dharam Baba and the wisdom of the forest, he honed his skills in both combat and strategy, preparing himself to confront the trials that lay ahead. With each passing day, Kherwal's reputation as a paragon of justice and valor grew. His presence brought hope to the beleaguered Manmis, inspiring them to stand firm against their oppressors. With the forest as his ally and the legacy of his ancestors as his foundation, Kherwal emerged as a beacon of hope in the darkest of times. Driven by a deep sense of duty to his people and guided by the principles instilled in him since birth, Kherwal embarked on a quest to liberate his kin from the tyranny of the Danmis. Armed with the courage of his convictions and the strength of his spirit, he ventured forth, ready to face whatever challenges lay in his path, knowing that he carried within him the legacy of the virtuous Manmis and the protection of Dharam Baba. 

As Kherwal reached the pivotal age of fifteen, a significant turning point in his journey unfolded through the prophetic dream of his mother. In her vision, Kherwal transcended the bounds of mere mortality, emerging as a divine instrument destined to vanquish the oppressors and bring peace to their land. This revelation, infused with the divine guidance of Dharam Baba, ignited a fierce determination within Kherwal, propelling him towards his fated destiny. Under the vigilant eye of his celestial protector and fuelled by the memory of his fallen father, Kherwal embarked on a relentless regimen of training. Every waking moment was dedicated to honing his skills, strengthening his body, and sharpening his mind for the inevitable clashes with the Danmis. The intensity of his preparation mirrored the ferocity of his resolve, as he channelled his inner strength into becoming the formidable warrior his people needed. 

With each passing day, Kherwal's prowess grew, and with it, so did his renown. His name became synonymous with hope among the beleaguered Manmis, a beacon of courage and resilience in the face of adversity. His unwavering leadership inspired others to rally behind him, forming a loyal cadre of followers who shared his vision of liberation. Among these devoted supporters stood Kajal, a steadfast ally whose unwavering faith in Dharam Baba mirrored Kherwal's own. Her skills as both a healer and a warrior proved invaluable to Kherwal's cause, providing crucial aid and support as he prepared to confront the forces of darkness. Yet, her contributions extended beyond the physical realm; she served as a pillar of moral support, offering encouragement and solace during the darkest moments of their struggle. Together, Kherwal and Kajal forged a bond rooted in shared purpose and unwavering dedication, bound by the common goal of freeing their people from the clutches of tyranny. As they stood on the precipice of conflict, their resolve unyielding and their spirits unbroken, they knew that the path ahead would be fraught with peril. But with Dharam Baba's guidance illuminating their way, they faced the trials ahead with unshakable determination, ready to confront their destiny and bring about a new dawn for the Manmis. 

As the sun rose on the fateful day of reckoning, Kherwal stood at the forefront of his followers, their resolve unyielding as they prepared to confront the forces of darkness that had plagued their land for far too long. With a determined spirit and the divine inspiration of Dharam Baba guiding his every step, Kherwal led his warriors into battle against the Danmis, their swords flashing in the dappled light of the forest. The clash of steel rang out through the ancient trees, mingling with the cries of combatants locked in mortal combat. The battle was a tempest of violence and chaos, with neither side giving ground easily. Yet, fuelled by Kherwal's unwavering determination and the fervent courage of his followers, the tide began to turn in favour of the Manmis. With each swing of his blade, Kherwal seemed to channel the very essence of divine justice, striking down his foes with righteous fury. His leadership on the battlefield became a beacon of hope for his people, rallying them to fight with renewed vigour and determination. Despite the ferocity of the Danmis' resistance, Kherwal's forces proved to be unstoppable. Their relentless onslaught battered the enemy's defences until, at last, victory was within their grasp. The Danmis, realizing the inevitability of their defeat, resorted to one final, desperate act of destruction, setting fire to the capital in a last-ditch effort to erase all traces of their rule. As flames engulfed the once-grand structures and lush gardens, a sombre pall descended over the battlefield. 

Yet, amidst the devastation, a new dawn emerged. For Kherwal's triumph was not measured in the material wealth of his kingdom, but in the liberation of his people from the shackles of oppression. The news of Kherwal's victory spread like wildfire throughout the land, igniting a wave of jubilation and celebration among the Manmis. The oppressive grip of the Danmis had been shattered, and in its place, a newfound sense of freedom and hope blossomed.In recognition of his valour and leadership, Kherwal was crowned king, earning the revered title of Bir. With Kajal, his steadfast companion and confidante, by his side, he ascended to the throne, their union symbolizing the restoration of harmony and unity among their people. 

Together, Kherwal and Kajal ushered in a new era of prosperity and peace, their reign marked by compassion, justice, and unwavering dedication to the well-being of their kingdom. And as the flames of conflict faded into memory, the legacy of their triumph endured as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Manmis and the power of righteous courage to overcome even the darkest of adversities. The fields were replanted, the rivers were cleansed, and the people began to rebuild their lives. The legend of Kherwal Bir, the divine-inspired warrior, and his battle against the malevolent Danmis became a timeless tale, symbolizing the eternal struggle between virtue and vice, justice and injustice. In the annals of history, the story of Kherwal Bir and the Danmis is remembered as a powerful myth of moral superiority, deeply rooted in the cultural heritage of the Santals. It serves as a reminder of the universal practice of distinguishing between the in-group and the out-group, a sentiment that resonates with every tribe and nationality across the world. The tale of Kherwal Bir continues to inspire generations, underscoring the triumph of good over evil and the enduring power of righteousness. It is a story that transcends time, reminding all who hear it of the importance of integrity, courage, and the unwavering pursuit of justice.